Notice of Closing of IJ700©
This website is not active.
As of early February 2021, I, Marie-Claude Gagnon, founder of It's Just 700©, stepped down from It's Just 700©'s leadership.
Since March 2021, It's Just 700© has ceased to exist.
The activities, leadership, intent, vision and information provided by any other groups not called It's Just 700 (or IJ700© for short) should be considered separate from the original version of the group It’s Just 700© (and its Founder).
I wish to thank you for your interest and support throughout the last six years.
- Marie-Claude Gagnon, Founder of It’s Just 700© (retired).
As of early February 2021, I, Marie-Claude Gagnon, founder of It's Just 700©, stepped down from It's Just 700©'s leadership.
Since March 2021, It's Just 700© has ceased to exist.
The activities, leadership, intent, vision and information provided by any other groups not called It's Just 700 (or IJ700© for short) should be considered separate from the original version of the group It’s Just 700© (and its Founder).
I wish to thank you for your interest and support throughout the last six years.
- Marie-Claude Gagnon, Founder of It’s Just 700© (retired).